Approval Gen Trading Co. are distributors in spare and consumable parts, registered in Kuwait. We intend to facilitate the spare and consumable needs of the Middle East and North Africa (MENA) region beginning with Kuwait. We offer a wide array of products such as spares, chemicals, consumables, etc. that are procured from Original Equipment Manufacturers (OEMs) and from vendors with proven track record. We offer our services to both fixed wing and rotary operators in the region.
Approval Trading focuses on providing consumables and expendables to the scheduled and non-scheduled aviation operators in the Kuwait region. For the time being, we are not catering to high value spare needs. Once established, SAS will be more than capable to meet the needs of the airlines in the form of expendable and consumable spares readily available on any given day. Our supply chain team will be able to deliver the parts in a short period of time. This will be achieved by collating the data obtained from the clients, and calculated estimates made by our experienced team of professionals.